Patterns of COMMONING

Patterns of COMMONING




Overture  |  David Bollier and Silke Helfrich



Helmut Leitner
Working with Patterns: An Introduction

Silke Helfrich
Patterns of Commoning:
How We Can Bring About a Language of Commoning

Elinor Ostrom
Eight Design Principles for Successful Commons

German Commons Summer School
Eight Points of Orientation for Commoning

Marianne Gronemeyer


              Intermezzo I:  Can Commoners Become Self-Aware of Their Collective Potential?


Long-Lasting Commons

Eric Nanchen and Muriel Borgeat
Bisse de Savièse: A Journey Through Time to the Irrigation System in Valais, Switzerland

Monica Vasile
The Role of Memory and Identity in the Obştea Forest Commons of Romania

Zelealem Tefera Ashenafi
The Resilience of an Indigenous Ethiopian Commons


Neighborhood Commons

Soma K P and Richa Audichya
Our Ways of Knowing: Women Protect Common Forest Rights in Rajasthan

Véronique Rioufol and Sjoerd Wartena
Terre de Liens: Experiencing and Managing Farmland as Commons

Marcela Olivera
Water Beyond the State

Jannis Kühne
Notable Urban Commons Around the World


Biocultural Commons

David Bollier
The Potato Park of Peru

Erika Styger
The System of Rice Intensification and Its International Community of Practice

David Holmgren
Twelve Design Principles of Permaculture


Arts and Culture Commons

Michael Peter Edson
Fire and Frost: The Virtues of Treating Museums, Libraries and Archives as Commons

Dario Gentili and Andrea Mura
The Birth of a Theater Commons in Rome: Fondazione Teatro Valle Bene Comune

Salvatore Iaconesi
Digital Arts as a Commons

Alain Ambrosi and Frédéric Sultan
Remix The Commons: An Evolving Intercultural Space for Commoning

David Bollier
AS220 of Providence, Rhode Island: A Commons of, by and for Artists

Larry Harvey
The Principles of Burning Man


Collaborative Technology Commons

Dorn Cox
Farm Hack: A Commons for Agricultural Innovation

Julio Sanchez Onofre
Arduino and the Open Hardware Revolution

Tristan Copley-Smith
The Growth of Open Design and Production

Interview with Architect Van Bo Le-Mentzel
On Openness, Commons & Unconditional Basic Work

Astrid Lorenzen
Fab Lab St. Pauli in Hamburg

Jacques Paysan
OpenSPIM: A High-Tech Commons for Research and Education


Code and Knowledge Commons

Cameron Neylon
Open Access Pioneer: The Public Library of Science

Mike Linksvayer
Converting Proprietary Software into a Commons: The LibreOffice Story

Mary Lou Forward
OpenCourseWare and Open Education

Films and Videos About the Commons


Exchange and Credit Commons

Jukka Peltokoski, Niklas Toivakainen, Tero Toivanen and Ruby van der Wekken
Helsinki Timebank: Currency as a Commons

Interview with Will Ruddick
How the Bangla-Pesa Tapped the Value of an Informal Community

James Stodder and Bernard Lietaer
WIR Currency – Reinventing Social Exchange


Tools and Infrastructure for Commoning

Enric Senabre Hidalgo
Goteo: Crowdfunding to Build New Commons

Kate Chapman
Commoning in Times of Disaster: The Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team

Ellen Friedman
Mapping Our Shared Wealth: The Cartography of the Commons

David Bollier
Licenses for Commoning: The GPL, Creative Commons Licenses and CopyFair

David Bollier, Lara Mallien & Santiago Hoerth Moura
New Ventures in Commons-Based Publishing


Spaces for Co-Learning

Hannelore Hollinetz and Martin Hollinetz
Otelo – Open Technology Labs in Austria

Marcos García
Medialab-Prado: A Citizen Lab for Incubating Innovative Commons

Maria Bareli-Gaglia
Voyaging in the Sea of Ikarian Commons and Beyond

Claudia Gómez-Portugal M.
Learning as an Open Road, Learning as a Commons



An Interview with members of Cecosesola
“We Are One Big Conversation”: Commoning in Venezuela

Ariadna Serra and Ale Fernandez
Cooperativa Integral Catalana (CIC):  On the Way to a Society of the Communal


Intermezzo II: The Internal Dimensions of the External World: On Commons and Commoning



Étienne Le Roy
How I Have Been Conducting Research on the Commons for Thirty Years Without Knowing It

Andrea J. Nightingale
Commons and Alternative Rationalities:  Subjectivity, Emotion and the (Non)rational Commons

Anne Salmond
The Fountain Of Fish: Ontological Collisions At Sea

Nigel C. Gibson
The Ethical Struggle to Be Human:  A Shack Dwellers Movement in South Africa

Arturo Escobar
Commons in the Pluriverse

David Sloan Wilson
Generalizing the Commons

Andreas Weber
Reality as Commons: A Poetics of Participation for the Anthropocene




Patterns of Commoning